Before the increase in technology, there was a simple system that seemed to work.
The irony is that along with our growth in knowledge, when it comes to technology, we have become far more foolish when it comes to the dispensation of humanities survival. Long ago, Man was the hunter and provider of food, having to be strong to defeat a mighty mammoth, or to defend his tribe (women and children) against invaders and wild animals. Mans' testosterone levels had to be high, for he was relied upon more for his strength and agility then for his technical skills.
The Woman was the nurturer, the one who cared for the children, keeping them fed, warm, and fit. Her estrogen level had to be higher for the care she provided for her family. She kept the camp or cave comfortable for the children and the Man who was the bringer of the food and protector of her and her children. Women would also gather fruit and vegetables to provide more nutrients than just the protein of the kill the Man would bring home. Women nurtured the children, who would grow up in a world where they would endure so much, while men killed and fought for the survival of the tribe. Man and Woman relied upon each other and brought a kind of balance to their children who also grew up to follow the same system. This is the way it potentially worked for the most part in the days before technology. Today things have changed, and there is a problem because of this change. The problem is that there is a decrease in Men (necessary providers), hence a decrease in testosterone, hence a severe loss of balance. An estimated 24.7 million children (36.3%) live absent their biological father. --Source: National Fatherhood Initiative, Father Facts, (3rd Edition): 5.
According to 72.2 % of the U.S. population, fatherlessness is the most significant family or social problem facing America. --Source: National Center for Fathering, Fathering in America Poll, January, 1999. The decrease in Father figures is worse in recent years than it was after WW1, where the lack of fathers in Germany resulted in the young men following Adolf Hitler, and being more susceptible to his promises and apparent care for them as they saw him as a father figure.
These recent generations of young men who grow up without a Father have also joined the ranks of men who have abandoned their children, or men who don't know how to properly be there for their children even when they are in their lives. The increase in single mothers has brought about the change in evolution (micro evolution), which we have been recently experiencing.
(Microevolution is the occurrence of small-scale changes in allele frequencies in a population, over a few generations, also known as change at or below the species level.
These changes may be due to several processes: mutation, "natural selection", gene flow, genetic drift and nonrandom mating.) Since there are fewer men (apparently) needing to be Fathers/Providers for their tribes, the women have taken over both roles, as provider and nurturer. So as the rule of micro evolution teaches us, humanity has had to adapt and the result (because of what nature sees as a major change) is the decrease of testosterone, and the decrease of Men. Nature sees that men are no longer as necessary as they were in the past, for the Woman has had to evolve and be Man instead. My obvious theory is that the continuing decrease of fathers/real men (necessary providers) has resulted in the evolutionary change, which is the steady decrease of testosterone in men.
In men testosterone builds muscle, enhances sex drive, elevates the mood, prevents osteoporosis and increases energy. Men's testosterone levels have been decreasing since the 1980's. Apparently, the levels dropped by one percent each year from 1987 to 2002.The researchers postulate that a decrease in testosterone levels may be caused by obesity or cigarette smoking. Note (The increase in victims of ovarian cancer may be because of the increase of testosterone in women.) Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone and plays an important role in maintaining bone and muscle mass. Low testosterone levels have been linked to health problems, including lowered libido and diabetes. Over the past two decades, levels of the sex hormone in U.S. men have been falling steadily, a new study finds. According to the FDA (food and drug administration), more than four million men experience low testosterone levels. Around 95% of them fail to seek any treatment, often because they just take the sign as a normal part of getting older.
So because nature sees that Man is no longer needed to provide for the women and children, and Man chooses not to provide when he could, the whole world will have to change, or "evolve". Testosterone will continue to decrease, men will become weaker with each passing generation, and women will become stronger.
The reason we have become far more foolish when it comes to the dispensation of humanities survival is because the majority of men do not want to be men anymore. Many have become lazy, depending on technology to survive, caring only about himself or his mommy, (who was both the nurturer and provider for him). On an average the male sex does not know how to be a man, does not know how to provide for or protect the women and children, so nature has decided that they are not as necessary.
Our present way of doing things, our present system is not working, so I suppose the best that we can do is start with ourselves and our own families.
Here are some facts about the negative effects of a lack of men/fathers: Children who were part of the "post war generation" could expect to grow up with two biological parents who were married to each other. Eighty percent did. Today, only about 50% of children will spend their entire childhood in an intact family. --Source: David Poponoe, American Family Decline, 1960-1990: A Review and Appraisal Journal of Marriage and Family 55 (August 1993).
With the increasing number of premarital births and a continuing high divorce rate, the proportion of children living with just one parent rose from 9 percent in 1960 to 28 percent in 1996. Currently, 57.7 percent of all black children, 31.8 percent of all Hispanic children, and 20.9 percent of all white children are living in single-parent homes. --Source: Saluter, Arlen F. Marital Status and Living Arrangements: March 1994., US Bureau of the Census, Current Population Report. p28-484. Washington, DC: GPO, 1996. US Bureau of the Census. Statistical Abstract of the United States 1997, Washington, DC: GPO, 1997.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services states, "Fatherless children are at a dramatically greater risk of drug and alcohol abuse" --Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. National Center for Health Statistics. Survey on Child Health. Washington, DC, 1993.
Children growing up in single-parent households are at a significantly increased risk for drug abuse as teenagers. --Source: Denton, Rhonda E. and Charlene M. Kampfe. "The relationship Between Family Variables and Adolescent Substance Abuse: A literature Review." Adolescence 114 (1994): 475-495.
Children who live apart from their fathers are 4.3 times more likely to smoke cigarettes as teenagers than children growing up with their fathers in the home. --Source: Stanton, Warren R., Tian P.S. Oci and Phil A. Silva. "Sociodemographic characteristics of Adolescent Smokers." The International Journal of the Addictions 7 (1994): 913-925.
Children in single-parent families are two to three times as likely as children in two-parent families to have emotional and behavioral problems. --Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. National Center for Health Statistics."National Health Interview Survey." Hyattsville, MD, 1988.
Three out of four teenage suicides occur in households where a parent has been absent. --Source: Elshtain, Jean Bethke."Family Matters: The Plight of America's Children." The Christian Century (July 1993): 14-21.
In studies involving over 25,000 children using nationally representative data sets, children who lived with only one parent had lower grade point averages, lower college aspirations, poor attendance records, and higher drop out rates than students who lived with both parents. --Source: McLanahan, Sara and Gary Sandefur. Growing up with a Single Parent: What Hurts, What Helps. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1994.
Fatherless children are twice as likely to drop out of school. --Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. National Center for Health Statistics. Survey on Child Health. Washington, DC; GPO, 1993.
School children from divorced families are absent more, and more anxious, hostile, and withdrawn, and are less popular with their peers than those from intact families. --Source: One-Parent Families and Their Children: The School's Most Significant Minority. The Consortium for the Study of School Needs of Children from One-Parent Families. National Association of elementary School Principals and the Institute for Development of Educational Activities, a division of the Charles f. Kettering Foundation. Arlington, VA 1980.
Children in single parent families are more likely to be in trouble with the law than their peers who grow up with two parents. --Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. National Center for Health Statistics. National Health Interview Survey. Hyattsville, MD, 1988.
Adolescent females between the ages of 15 and 19 years reared in homes without fathers are significantly more likely to engage in premarital sex than adolescent females reared in homes with both a mother and a father. --Source: Billy, John O. G., Karin L. Brewster and William R. Grady. "Contextual Effects on the Sexual Behavior of Adolescent Women." Journal of Marriage and Family 56(1994): 381-404.
A white teenage girl from an advantaged background is five times more likely to become a teen mother if she grows up in a single-mother household than if she grows up in a household with both biological parents. --Source: Whitehead, Barbara Dafoe. "Facing the Challenges of Fragmented Families." The Philanthropy Roundtable 9.1 (1995): 21.
Americans unresolved father problems.
Over half of Americans agree that most people have unresolved problems with their fathers. Cumulatively, 55.6% agreed with this statement, up from 54.1% in our 1996 poll. More non-whites (70.4%) than whites (56.3%) were in agreement. Interestingly, the generation who has experienced more father absence, 18- to 24-year-olds, displayed the highest level of agreement (67.2%). Income was also a differentiating factor: of the respondents making $25,000 or less, 70.1% agreed, compared to only 48.0% among those who make more than $50,000. Source National Center for Fathering 1996.
L.L Brunk