วันเสาร์ที่ 16 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Evolution by Natural Selection

The theory of Natural Selection is the belief that individuals within a species survive and thrive according to positive and beneficial traits. The more productive and advantageous qualities an individual has, the better their chances are to survive and propagate within a species. The entities without profitable traits or negative ones will eventually die out. This is the basics of Natural Selection by Survival of the Fittest.


Where trouble crops up is when the foundation of Natural Selection morphs into Darwinism. When Charles Darwin wrote his books On the Origin of Species and The Descent of Man he tried to explicitly leave out a Divine Hand and explain evolution strictly with Natural Selection and Survival of the Fittest. He completely disregarded the possibility of design.


The biggest problem with the no Creator hypothesis is the question of morality. It's obvious humans possess a morality; therefore it needs to be explained. Darwin argued that morality was only a product of survival of the fittest. He postulated that it was nothing more than the positive behaviors of sociability. Being social was a good thing for humans to have, helping in the survival of the race. As time passes on, the social behaviors for protection and mating become more enhanced and intricate turning into what we now see as morality.

However, believing morality is nothing more than random selection and a merciless survival of the strong leads to some troubling conclusions. If this idea were true, you would have to be ready to rate the inferiority or superiority of races and individuals. Obviously this would lead to condoning and excusing slavery and eugenics. The weak, handi-capped and supposed inferior should be eliminated because they would bring down and hamper the forward progress of the strongest and smartest.

All Reasonable Arguments

To anyone with simple observation skills and a common intelligence it is obvious that this is not how the human race operates. The question of evolution and the origin of life is a hotly debated topic to this day. Although you might not know it by the popular culture, many people and scientists disagree on Darwin's version of Natural Selection and Survival of the Fittest. Reasonable arguments should be included and debated for an honest investigation into the questions around evolution and the origin of life. Evolution by Natural Selection should not be defined by Darwinism, and Intelligent Design should be considered as part of the investigation.

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