วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Evolution's Response: Britax Car Seats

Humans are the only the species in the entire animal kingdom with the capacity for rearing children. Other animals do not usually care for their young in the same capacity and extent as we do. Usually, like the shark, mothers would eat their young as soon as they are born. Lucky for us, our mothers were not like that. Scientists have been baffled for years as to the extent human mothers and fathers would care for their offspring as compared to animals like lions or gorillas that would leave their offspring to fend for themselves upon reaching physical maturity. Where is the nurture, where is the care, and lastly, where is the love? What does this have to do with Britax car seats? We'll get to that shortly.

Science has given a short explanation as to why humans are so adamant about caring for their children. Like all things concerning anything remotely human, the answer lies in our larger-than-average brains. Unlike other animals, the human brain is not yet fully developed once a child is born. Further development occurs during a child's formative years. This relatively slow pace of cognitive development leaves human children quite vulnerable to the rigors of everyday life. Not all functions the human brain is capable of doing are available to human children. Humans are, therefore, by virtue of their evolutionary path, predisposed into having a significant level of concern for the safety and well-being of their genetic offspring. Looking at the larger picture, this is a very efficient and simple design of our very human-ness. This significant amount of care and concern assures the continuance of future generations. That is why we do not see children fending for themselves in the wild -- parents are there to provide for all their needs.

Again, is this in any way important to the discussion on Britax car seats? The answer is a resounding "YES!" Car seats are designed with the safety and well-being of your children in mind. The capacity to care is the evolutionary response to the glaring needs of our underdeveloped and vulnerable children. Britax car seats are evolution's next step towards ultimate and efficient child safety.

Choosing the right car seat can be quite a daunting prospect for most parents. Lucky for you, this article is here to help you choose which one is best for your child. The number of types of Britax Car Seats might at first glance make the choice complicated, but it is actually very simple. Know this before choosing: your child's age and weight, the type of car you'll be installing the car seat in, and whether you plan on carrying the seat around or putting up a stroller. Simply have a set of criteria you can follow. It's that simple, really. For example, if your child is still an infant, perhaps an infant car seat with adjustable carrying handle would prove best. Know your child's need and the choice for the correct car seat will simply "sit itself down."

Britax car seats are highly rated for safety, durability, and ease of use. Parents consistently rate the Britax Boulevard convertible car seat and the Britax Marathon as their best investments for traveling with their precious cargo.

