วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Does the Promotion of Technology Lead to De-evolution?

Is modern technology making the human species weaker? Some think it is and many have nearly lost their sense of smell, sense of taste and intuition, which is a common trait throughout the animal kingdom, which includes people. Technology and Change always comes under fire from those who fear change, yet are we failing to heed the warning this time? Are we really moving technology so fast that people are not people anymore?

Recently one humanist made a biting comment and said; "You see, the technology that many are promoting now has actually caused us to "devolve" yet is being promoted under the guise of progressive "evolution".

Well yes that is a valid point and worthy of consideration and I for one agree that is one good argument against the rapidly increasing technology. And the potential eventuality of a "Singularity" of Human Evolution as Ray Kurzweil the Famous Futurist often states. But have we really taken a good look at the human race lately? The average human being cannot even get out of their own way. I mean we have 80% of the African Continent at 85 IQ, rest of the world at barely over that. In the US we are doing about 100, with public servants not allowed to be over 105 or the police departments will not hire them?

Many believe that the future advances cannot go on without a total collapse of civilization and what it means to be human stating things like:

"This propaganda will never sustain itself because there are still human beings out there that can "feel" the lack of integrity in this marketing."

Well wait a second now. We are about to solve all mankind's problems and we are almost there. We will solve cancer issues, water crisis, weather control and so many problems which plague mankind through sciences of computers, biotech, new materials and robotics. And you see most humans really do not wish to work if they had their druthers, so why push them to do something they hate? Besides there really is no work ethic or integrity in most modern civilization anyway for that matter.

So if robotics as an example can solve these problems that is a good thing and the humans are free to have more leisure time to evolve and catch up, ponder ideas and move into the future undeterred. Take my industry for instance I am in the car wash business and no one really wants to work you see, so fine I will build robots to wash cars. And as we recently saw with the DARPA Grand Challenge we can build them and drive them selves too.

Additionally is technology causing humans to de-evolve or are humans sinking to the lowest common denominator? And is this modern technologies fault or is it a human problem? For instance, humans 30% would lie to you if they felt they might be able to make one dollar. Another 30% would lie to you to make $500 and 29% would for 1,000 to 10,000 dollars. So where is the lack of integrity that those who oppose technology are talking about here? It seems to me that de-evolution is happening in France with the riots lasting four weeks? Is that technologies fault? The warring tribes in Africa are killing each other and you do not see a lot of technology there? I hereby declare victory in the argument that modern advances in technology is de-evolving the human species and further wait for the next attack from those who fear change. Think on it.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is an online writer in retirement.

วันอังคารที่ 29 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Evolution and the Female Mind - What They Say They Want, and What They Actually Want

As you know, there are countless books out there offering up relationship advice. In this short article we will attempt tell men what they should know if they want to be fruitful in their pursuit of the modern woman.

Probably the best single piece of advice for men is not so much to listen to what women say they want, but to actually observe what women want. How can you observe what they want? It can be as simple as looking at the type of men women choose.

Women usually say that they want a man who listens to them. Then they choose a guy who dominates a conversation without really listening to their opinion. Or, Women say that they want a guy with a sense of humor. Then they date the unfunny guy that has money. So why is it that women say they want one type of guy, but go out with a guy who is the opposite of what they say they want? The answer to that question is within the subconscious motivations of what drive her choices. And, there is the foundation for my advice.

The biological and historical reason for men and women to get together is simply to become mates and propagate the species. Sounds far fetched, but when you think about it we are all just animals in that sense, and the instinct to find the "right mate" is still buried somewhere in our sub-conscious. Now I'm sure the last thing a woman may have on her mind when looking for a person to date is getting pregnant, but when she is evaluating that certain person on the subconscious level, she is still seeking the man who will become the best father for her offspring.

Does being a good father mean you have to be a good listener? No, not really. It means you will be someone who is a good provider for her children. And, if you are judged to be the person who will be able to provide for her children, then you are someone who has the confidence in themselves to know you can bring home the goods.

Women do have a need to find a man who can be good provider. A man can produce millions of sperm on many repeated occasions during their adult lives, and during their entire lives, women have many, many chances of producing a child. As a result, in spite of what it may seem at times, what women really want is a man who can provide that stability for her, and the children.

If a man tells a woman he is a Doctor, or a Nurse, which do you think she would historically choose? Usually the Doctor would have a better chance of landing her for good. That is because she believes that the Doctor would be a better provider for her family.

But just having a good income is not nearly enough. A woman wants to know that her man is generous with what he has and will be that good provider for her children. That is probably why women place a value on receiving gifts.

It might also be the reason why that engagement ring should be a major purchase. When you ask your girlfriend to become your wife, you would, of course, give her a ring. But not just because it is the tradition, or because it is a romantic gesture, but because it is a very visible and tangible display that you will be able to provide for her, and her future children. Much like a man may have done 100,000 years ago when he brought home the largest hunk of mammoth meat to impress her, there was a value in that then, and this is now. But don't think you can go out a buy a side of beef and get the same reaction. You probably won't.

Even though us modern humans tend to rely more on our brain matter than our physical strength to make money, women are programmed to look with favor on a man with strength having the ability to provide for her. So the modern woman might choose the construction worker over the computer programmer.

Does this mean that you need to go out and get your M.D. and become a bodybuilder? Well no, not really. But as you can see there are certain underlying traits that will impress a woman, and give you an advantage from an evolutionary point of view.

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Creationism Vs Evolution - The Chart of Human Evolution

The chart of human evolution is one of the icons of evolution in the creationism vs. evolution debate. It appears to show to us exactly how apes evolved into human beings. But does it really?

This chart is one of the most important 'proofs' to support Darwinism. Over the last few decades, this chart has changed. Some of the so called 'ape-men' have been completely removed (because they ended up being hoaxes or just unscientific.

The Piltdown Man, one of the most influential of all of the 'ape-men' that helped establish the theory of evolution, ended up being nothing more than a hoax. Bones were altered and colored to make it look like it was an ape-man. This influenced the science world for four decades before it was discovered to be a fraud.

The Nebraska Man was almost as influential. It was drawn from one tooth and was used in the much publicized 'monkey trial' or Scopes trial. This Nebraska Man was very influential in establishing the theory of evolution in our schools. Months later it was discovered that the tooth that this 'ape-man' was drawn from was from an extinct pig. Unfortunately, the news of this discovery was not covered near as well as the 'monkey trial'. Java Man was also touted as an ape-man. It seemed to be a 'sure thing'. Later it was discovered that this 'ape-man' was found in a layer where apes and humans had lived together. Neanderthal Man was drawn to be a cave man like creature. They were drawn bent over (one of them did have a disease that caused this) but would look completely human today. In more recent years it has been the Australopithecus fossils that have received much of the attention (including Lucy). These creatures were drawn to look like they were evolving into humans. Many agree that they were nothing more than extinct apes.

There have been others fossils that have been claimed to be links to humans over the years. None of them have born out. There are still various fragments of skulls and other parts of various creatures. Most of them are just that... pieces that leave more questions than answers.

But there never have been any verifiable 'ape-men' discovered. Not one.

If we were to look at a human evolution chart today and remove the frauds and admitted mistakes, all that would be left are apes on one side (including extinct ones) and humans (including the extinct Neanderthals). The chart would be blank in the middle where all of the 'ape-men' should be.

Next: Discover more secrets about evolution. The chart of human evolution is just the beginning of problems with Darwin's theory. Go to EvolutionGuy.com to learn more of these secrets.

Collections - Why Do People Collect Things?

There were seashells everywhere. The room was furnished with couches and chairs with a seashell pattern on the upholstery.There were lamps with shades covered with shells. Sculptures made of shells and books about seashells sat on the tables. Family photos in seashell- encrusted frames lined the shelves. A curio cabinet was filled with more shells. I was visiting the home of a new acquaintance. She collects seashells. A special room in her home was dedicated to shells. There were shells from all over the world everywhere in that room. Even the business card she gave me was decorated with a photo of a large shell.

People have a natural tendency to collect things. Seashells may not be their passion but whether its coins, stamps, postcards, spoons, or more bizarre things like teabags, chocolate bar wrappers or traffic signs we human beings seem inclined to be collectors. Dr. Steve Anderson, a neurologist at the University of Iowa says our need to collect may harken back to an earlier point in our evolution, since many animals hoard things, especially food.

According to Susan Pearce, author of the book Interpreting Objects and Collections one in three North Americans collects something. There are many different kinds of collections and collectors.

Some collections are souvenirs or mementos of a place. I once visited the home of a couple who collect masks every time they travel. One wall of their dining room is covered with traditional painted masks from South Africa, Egypt, Vietnam, the Philippines and dozens of other places. When they are on a trip they never have to stop and think about what to buy as a souvenir. They just look for a mask to add to their collection.

Some collections are gifts. I know a man who gives his mother a china plate every Mother's Day with a message or saying about mothers on it. He hunts through antique stores and curio shops, often for weeks, until he finds a plate and a design that he hasn't already purchased. His mother has more than twenty such plates in her collection.

Some collections are of practical use. I have friends who are world travelers and collect Starbucks Coffee mugs from every place they visit. There are Starbucks franchises in more than forty countries. Our friends don't have forty different mugs but certainly enough for a fairly large group of coffee drinking guests.

The desire to learn new things can also be the impetus behind a collection. I know someone who collects military artifacts from the World Wars. He has uniforms, machinery, vehicles, sheet music, maps, books, flags and photographs. His collection has helped him learn a great deal about military history.

Some people collect things because of their monetary value. I used to work with a woman who collected Barbie Dolls. She assured me someday she would sell her collection and make a mint of money.

Susan Pearce says there are some collections which she terms 'magic'. There is no rhyme or reason for collecting them but they have a certain appeal or attraction for the collector. I imagine this might apply to a collection of snow globes or a large collection of Superman memorabilia.

Collections can remind us of positive experiences and important people in our lives. They can help us learn new things. They can be practical or magical. If you're not a collector you might want to think about becoming one. Collections can enrich our lives.


วันจันทร์ที่ 28 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Evolution Through the Kingdoms of Life - Mineral, Vegetable and Animal (Healing Depression)

Evolution through the Kingdoms of Life: Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal The first beings on this material (physical) plane of existence called earth were the basic building blocks of life, the sub-atomic particles that coalesce to form the atom. Each atom has its own individual nature, but atoms are also attracted to other atoms, which allows them to form into molecules. An atom might be, for example, an atom of gold, whereas a water molecule is made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen (H2O). Through successive merging, various atoms and molecules build up compounds which, in turn, build up into life forms, beginning with single-celled organisms. These so-called lower life forms are living beings just like you and me, only much simpler.

The more complex beings, further up the evolutionary scale, are made up of more than one cell, or groups of cells, passing through various stages of evolution, from the invertebrates to the vertebrates (creatures with a nerve cord down the back and an internal skeleton), to the mammals, including human beings. All these life forms, from the sub-atomic particles through the minerals, vegetables and non-human animals have a soul. Manifestation is reflected through this evolutionary scale, and what is being built into each higher stage of being is character. Character, as it pertains to this book, is the soul as it expresses itself through all states of consciousness, creating the person reading this book right now. Character and soul are the same - the total of all the states of consciousness of the individual. DNA, much of which is very ancient, links us to each evolutionary stage. Both physical and non-physical structures, such as intelligence and emotions, are preserved in the DNA.

Every experience of every living being upon the earth plane has been built into our DNA, and each human experience is encoded into our subconscious minds, even if it is not remembered consciously. As we progress through the different stages of evolution, we progress into more complex beings. It is the process of memory that allows us to progress and retain the experiences that we have gone through, creating complex human beings. As a soul moves through evolution, first as a rock or mineral, attraction and repulsion are experienced. Then, as these experiences are stored within the subconscious, knowledge is reformulated to create a more complex being, such as a plant. This process continues throughout evolution, in the plant stage we learn about sensitivity that moves us to the animal realm, giving us the quality of instinct, then on to the human. As humans we acquire the great power of free will. Through hypnosis people can remember previously forgotten experiences that go back through all previous stages of their personal development. The experiences of our evolution, from minerals, plants and animals that are encoded in our DNA shows us that the character of an individual is derived from the first beings.

Memory Studies on DNA show evidence that, within our physical structure, we are linked to the first being and all beings that are on the material plane. As we recognize that we are made of different combinations of these so-called "lower" life forms, it becomes apparent that the desires and actions that we experience also come from the animal, plant, and mineral parts that are within all of us. Our bodies house all kinds of desires that are far more primitive than the human being as it progresses with free will. Studies from hypnosis demonstrate that once something is learned it is never forgotten. All life experiences are retained in memory and stored in the subconscious or soul realm. This soul realm, or the subconscious, is of great importance in the process of conscious manifestation. By understanding properties of this realm, such as time being no factor, we begin to recognize what our character is made of, leading to self-awareness and eventually the ability to change, resulting in conscious manifestation.

Cellular Consciousness All life has consciousness, and all life has some form of memory of all experiences from the past. At the evolutionary stage of the one-celled organism, soul is readily visible, reflecting its own unique intelligence. Soul is life intelligence. Through evolution, little life forms cooperate and coalesce together to become larger, more complex beings with all life, including simple one-cells, having systems of biology. An example of an organ that displays its own intelligence is the liver. Recently, surgeons were able to take one lobe of the liver of a parent and transplant it into a child whose liver was defective. The parental transplant grew larger and larger until it became a fully functioning liver on its own, a being in its own right. All beings have consciousness and intelligence, and our own lives are conditioned by the fact that we inhabit physical bodies that are made up of billions of other life forms, each with its own history and process of evolution.

Experience Through Conditioning We all started out as sub-atomic particles and grew through the atomic, molecular and cellular states until we evolved into the human physical body. Our DNA reveals this progression through the kingdoms of life, and we have all the memories of all the experiences of all these beings within us, built into our cells and recorded within our subconscious. In order to understand how this progression directly affects our lives, we must look at conditioning. Before the human state, even before the vertebrate state, simpler organisms learned through conditioning and retained that learning through memory as a form of instinct, passed down through generations of animals. We build up our egos through the driving force of instinct, and we develop a conditioned ego through the survival drive. Ego provides the innate drive to do something, and this ego-drive expresses itself through experiences gained by action, including pleasure and pain. We all learn to respond to life experiences as a result of conditioning. An infant who comes upon a candle for the first time, either at a distance or close by, is attracted to the flame and reaches out to it. There is no existence without experience, and the ego provides the drive for new experience. The infant either can't touch the candle flame because it is too far away, or does touch it and gets a burn. This experience, accompanied by feelings of frustration or pain, is discordance. Through such conditioning (learned response), the next time the infant sees a candle flame, it will automatically have a new type of response toward the flame, depending on its first experience. Hundreds of such daily experiences build up an attitude (memory experience) toward the candle flame and all similar objects. Until another experience with a candle flame is different, like one associated with pleasure (harmony), that attitude will remain dominant in the infant's

memory Repeated conditioning of different types of experiences, form an attitude toward those experiences, becomes a perception, and these perceptions become the traits of individuality. Humans have an ego-drive for experience, conditioned with pleasure and pain over time, resulting in a series of perceptions that eventually become our reality. This reality, over time, actually creates the events that control our lives. Our individual perceptions are the combination of all our past experiences. Your reality is different from mine, and all reality is formed by perceptions that have been conditioned to perceive things in a specific manner. What you perceive as reality is nothing more than what you have created. By understanding how our individual perception builds our reality, we can more easily understand conscious manifestation and how it works. Knowing how perceptions are formed, we can learn how to change them through conditioning. Then we can see how perceptions directly affect everyday life and how important it is to control our inner world if we wish to control the outer world. Such control starts with directed thinking and induced emotion. Inner controls produce the outer manifestation of our choice.

All Things are Manipulated Through Electromagnetic Energy Electromagnetic energy is used by the physical body and the mind to do everything an embodied being needs to do. When we process a thought in our minds, it must go though a series of EM firings in the physical brain, and these firings communicate with the body, resulting in an action. When this electrical activity is going on inside the physical body, EM energy is released into the environment, producing overflow. There is an intimate link between thoughts in the mind and actions of the physical body, and there is also an intimate link between the physical (outer) plane and the inner planes of being. If we consider that EM energy, Awareness Through Dedicationwhich allows the transmission of thought to a physical world through action, can escape the physical body and leak out into the physical environment, we can see just how much our thoughts can affect the physical environment. There is much evidence that thought energy can affect the physical world through telekinesis, a phenomenon where certain people can move physical objects (other than their own body parts) without touching them.

Clearly, then, there exists a force controllable by the mind, an electromagnetic force that is constantly, yet unconsciously, excreted by human beings. The goal, then, is to gain conscious control of this EM energy in order to put it to work for our own good. Being able to control the energy that we are constantly expressing and releasing into the environment will result, in the long run, in our lives being changed. This process happens automatically with every thought, feeling, movement and action taken, and it should not be ignored or taken for granted. In order to live the lives we want, we must understand that we create our own reality at all times. By gaining control of what happens within us, we can control or change events that are outside ourselves. Without this understanding, we get caught up in never ending repeated patterns, because our very cells are conditioned to express themselves and process energy in a certain unconscious manner.

The Importance of Free Will Through our past experiences we have been conditioned to have certain automatic responses. These responses are expressed through thoughts and emotions that in turn create the major events in our lives, but we have evolved with free will, or the ability to break free of the dominance of conditioning, instinct. Free will gives us the ability to change what has been conditioned through organic evolution (as stored in the subconscious) to better our lives in the future, morals. The moral human can reconsider such purely survival-oriented behavior and may prefer not to harm others, by breaking free of instinct and expressing free will. Unfortunately, most of human society hardly expresses any free will at all. Human behavior, both as individuals and groups, seems to be expressed more or less unconsciously, and free will appears to be negatively oriented, which is evident in the vast degradation of the natural environment. This degradation makes life on the earth plane very difficult today; however, we also have never had such a great opportunity to become conscious, to take action, to exercise free will. This is a special era, and a little effort exerted now can go a long way toward the betterment of life on earth. All things work through desire energy that is conditioned through pleasure and pain.

Painful things are pushed as far away as possible and pleasant things are placed in front of our perception. Unfortunately, when painful things are pushed away from consciousness, they fall into the depths of the unconscious and only express themselves into conscious perception spontaneously and without conscious thought. This pushing away, or suppression, doesn't mean that this energy is not affecting us or our lives. On the contrary, such suppressed thoughts and feelings rise all too often into the subconscious emotional level and get stuck there, causing mental, emotional and physical health problems. The realm of the unconscious is where metaphysics and psychoanalysis meet and where they can do the most good the soonest.

Emotions and Electromagnetic Energy Emotions are also constantly released with electromagnetic energy into the environment, and this release of charged emotional energy contributes to continually creating our health and our physical and emotional well being, aswell as the events that make up the experiences of every day life. Studies of telekinesis, demonstrated by dice throwing, show how the EM energy that is released from the body is affecting the physical environment, and loss of interest in any extra sensory perception study by a subject lessens good results. Low emotion equals low results! In Walking Between the Worlds, Gregg Braden demonstrates how emotions (EM energy) are directly related to the building blocks of life (DNA), showing that there is a link between all creation and emotions.

He states, "Within each cell of the human body are found what may be thought of as micro antenna. These may be thought of as tiny molecular receptors, tuned to varying qualities of vibration by their nature. Structurally, these antenna appear as relatively long and intertwined forms of a double helix, known as deoxybose nucleic acids, our familiar DNA. Physical properties of the antenna, such as the length of each molecular bond, even the bond angle itself, determine the ability of that particular antenna to tune, or find resonance, with the reference signal of the brain. In terminology of molecular biologists, these receptors are expressed as sugars bonding to one of the four possible structures designated by unique symbols as "A" "C" "G" or "U". The sequences of these bases along each strand of DNA molecule determine the makeup of the familiar amino acids that are essential to carbon base life as we know it. Within this matrix we find the mystery, and possibly the answer, to the relationship between human emotion and DNA."

Braden illustrates the direct relationship between EM energy or emotion (conditioned EM energy) and physical matter; not just ordinary matter, but the building blocks of all life, when he states, but the building blocks of all life, when he states, "Recent research by Dan Winter indicates the possibility of a direct relationship between emotion, and the location of an antenna and whether or not the antenna is turned ON or OFF. In a paper published in 1994, Winter describes the possibility that the long wave of emotion programs the short wave of DNA. In his book, Alphabet of the Heart, Winter suggests that it is the resonant location of emotions wave upon the double helix that determines the structural site of active or inactive genetic codes. Could it be that emotions touch upon our DNA is what tells our bodies where to place the building blocks of life. The implications of this study alone are vast and profound as we view a possible link between DNA and emotion."

Braden continues with, "Our extremes of emotion, such as love as well as fear, may be viewed from the perspective of an electrical andmagnetic field expressed as a wave. From this vantagepoint fear is seen as a long slow wave. Due to its length, relatively few complete waves are expressed per unit of DNA." "Love, on the other hand, may be viewed as a field of higher frequency. It appears as a shorter and faster wave with a greater number of complete waves expressed per unit of DNA measurement. "Superimposing the field of fear upon our double helix structure, we see that the length of the low frequency waves allows few opportunities for the helix and wave to touch. The very nature of the wave discourages access to the biological structure allowing its expression. This perspective illustrates the limiting and contracted nature of fear." "Note the relatively small number of potential coding sites available due to the lack of intersection pointsSuperimposing the field of love upon the double helix, we see that the shorter length of the high frequency waves allows more opportunities for the helix and wave to intersect. In this instance, the nature of the wave encourages access to the helix. From this perspective the emotion is seen as expansive." "Note the relatively greater number of potentially coding sites due to the increased number of intersection points."

The above quote is an important concept that makes a perfect metaphor for spiritual power, because thoughts and feelings of love have a greater ability to manifest than thoughts and feelings of fear. Braden states further that, "Could this relationship between the non-measurable quantity of emotion and the measurable quantity of biological material represent our foreground link to creation. Winters studies suggest that it is in fact, the physical intersection of emotions waveform upon the structure double helix that provides the blueprint for possibilities of DNA coding sites. With this relationship in mind, note how many more opportunities there are in the sympathetic vibratory pattern that we call love, for the waves of emotion and DNA to touch." This statement suggests how EM energy affects physical matter within the body as well as outside of the body into the environment, illustrating how conscious manifestation, through spiritual power, works.

Assuming this is so, why don't we realize we are creating our external environment as we are doing it? The answer lies in the unconscious. We create our external environment unconsciously, then perceive what we have created and react to that in an endless cycle. Also, remember that human desire energy has been conditioned through millions of years of organic evolution, up through the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms, before we ever entered these physical bodies. This ancient organic energy has its own pre-conditioned attractions and repulsions of which we human beings know little. All thisenergy, of whatever origin, is stored in, and makes up, the unconscious, which, it seems, creates both our inner and outer environments. If the unconscious content of the mind controls both our inner and outer environments, then desire energy, once conditioned through directed thinking and induced emotion, can be reconditioned to express itself more harmoniously, changing our lives in a positive way through the electromagnetic effect.

The EM effect allows the physical body and the mind to work together, and allows living beings to become active. Life and progress depend upon cellular activation that allows the cells to gain experiences and so develop themselves. As a single-celled organism, a group of cells, organs, or a whole being becomes active in a particular manner, each is constantly releasing EM energy into the environment simply by being active or living. When this energy is released, it is governed by the Law of Affinity (like-attracts-like). When the desire energy (based on EM energy) is released into the environment, it attracts a similar type of energy through the Law of Affinity, and, at any given time, we are attracted to beings like ourselves. Think back to your teenage years and remember the type of people you were hanging out with and the things they were interested in. They were probably the same things you were interested in at that time. Each type of person attracts his or her own type of people as well as the previously established conditioning which led to his or her interests and actions.

The Law of Affinity is as important as the law of gravity; it is in effect all the time. But the Law of Affinity influences more than the career we chose or the hobbies we pursue, or even the type of person we are. This law governs all types of events that happen within our lives, whether they are harmonious or discordant. There are events in life that we say we have no control over; events that "just happen", such as car accidents. We've been taught (conditioned) to view such events as "just an accident" that happened because of "bad luck". However, the Law of Affinity illustrates that any event, whether harmonious or discordant, that we call an "accident" or an unfortunate event, is actually governed by the Law of Affinity and has been attracted to a person through the EM effect. This is what Carl Jung called the collective unconscious. Each one of us sets ourselves and one another up for such events, good and ill, whether we know we are doing this or not. In fact, the less we know of our own unconscious and the collective unconscious, the more likely we will produce discordant events for ourselves and others.

Therefore, from now on in this book when you see the term "conscious manifestation", it means changing the major events in our lives that take certain paths, or making big decisions in life, whether they seem to be, at the time, harmonious or discordant. Conscious manifestation is not about the minor particulars of everyday reality, but rather, it is about controlling and changing the events that make a major impact on our lives by using the minor parts of our everyday life. It is about everything we do! Studies of the unconscious reveal principles that govern our thoughts and emotional energy, based on the principles of conditioning. Conditioning always affects our lives, whether we know it or not, and automatically puts into effect the manifestations that we perceive as external to ourselves. Attaining control of the unconscious mind, through various techniques, can manifest much more harmonious actions and events, not only for us, but also for every living creature on this planet, and in a way that will make life a more harmonious experience for all life forms.

If you are interested in learning more about the power of the mind to heal the body using meditation and other powerful techniques Healing Treatments for Depression

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The Evolution of Perfume - Facts and History

The chronicle of perfume refers to its wide use in ancient Egypt, Rome and the Middle East. Perfume was extensively used by women as beautification ritual and status, besides religious rituals. It also played a significant role in courtship and romance acts.

Classic perfumes were made using aromatic natural raw materials acquired from botanical as well as animal sources. The finished perfumes turned to be highly expensive revealing the production costs and only the opulent class of people could afford it. However, owing to technological advancements and modern chemistry the classic perfume saw gradual transformation into its contemporary version.

The contemporary evolution process initiated in Grasse, South France and stretched to Paris. Grasse is recognized as the perfume and flower capital as it is steeped in the history of perfume. Grasse offers the finest perfumes to all discerning perfumers in the world. Mammoth changes have taken place in perfumery. The art of making perfume today involves creativity and technology. Today, the fruition of perfume has ascertained that they are not reserved only for the privileged class alone. Modern perfumes are available in affordable prices as they are manufactured using aroma chemicals and many man-made aromatic compounds.

Niche and natural perfumers make perfumes in classic style. Big perfume houses on occasions combine aroma chemicals with botanical oils and emerge with novel perfumes. Wearing perfumes is a way of pampering oneself. Men and women apply perfume as pleasure or to express intimacy. However, the fragrance of perfume is appreciated as it has a lingering effect.

Conversely, a perfume smelling good on one person may not smell good on another, and this is due to the interaction between the body and the fragrance that produces a unique scent perception based on the body chemistry. Hence, body chemistry is considered to be a significant factor in creating or even in buying a perfume. A perfume having a good smell on a smelling strip may not be good on you.

Perfume should be purchased only after trying it on your body. You can squirt some perfume on the inside of your wrist and try to smell it after sometime. If the perfume smell is retained, you can get going by buying the perfume or select another one that blends your body. Few things that should be done before purchasing a perfume is that smell the scent and apply it immediately. Its fragrance should be apparent in the surrounding and also should have the ability of lasting longer.

Speaking of perfumes, it is believed that women possess better sense of smell in comparison to men. Similarly, the smell sense is sharper in the afternoons and remembering the smell is very essential. Conversely, perfume fragrance is long lasting on oily skin than dry skins. In general, you can have lasting effect of perfume when the concentration and the aromatic oils in the perfume are higher and heavier.

Following certain guidelines for wearing perfumes helps in retaining it for a longer period. Perfumes have their best effect when applied on pulse points. Subsequently, applying perfumes on the wrist, inside the elbows and behind the ears is suggested. Spraying perfume in the bra cleavage keeps the scent released continuously.

There are plenty of cheap perfume available indicating great savings. Cheap perfume is not considered to be the best purchase as the ingredients used may not be of good standards. However, caution is expected as counterfeit products may smell like original perfume, but made of low grade quality ingredients causing harm to your skin. Hence, buying perfumes of big brands that tries to clear their discontinued products or some liquidated stock is worth purchasing as the price tag will also be appropriate.

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil

วันศุกร์ที่ 25 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Evolution Versus Intelligent Design: Evidence Without Prejudice

Evolution, based on 150 years of combining evidence from many scientific disciplines, cues on the accepted disciplines of geology, biology, paleontology, genetics, ecology, microbiology and behavioral sciences. Evolution advocacies think to withstand scrutiny from either religious or nonreligious policy makers, as concluded by thousands of scientists and agreed upon by an almost equal number of theist advocacies--disbelief also about 50/50 in the different disciplines.

Intelligent Design advocates have promoted the 'anthropic principle' for thousands of years; today, they receive almost equal support from amongst both religionist and scientist supporters, but only by about 50% amongst the two disciplines. The 'Anthropic principle' connotes: this universe and tiny earth were designed solely to support mankind in his superior role as we recognize it.

Obviously, neither brain trust, evolutionist or creationist, predominates one way or another. Advocacy of either extreme, however, does not always mandate superior evidence. But in sentience reality, evolution is obvious in day-to-day experience and is beyond challenge. By the same token, no person has the intellect to deny another's declaration of God belief; which declaration is true in its mere utterance. Therefore, we must search beyond sentience, emotion, and intuition to find the truth in such heart-felt declarations.

Recent studies account and correlate the geologic, astrophysical, evolutionary, biologic, and biblical ages into a harmonious chronology of our Universe as we are able to sense its magnitude. Few would be able to fault the immensity and time-line efficiency thus produced from the evidence in all disciplines susceptible to space and time. And we are aware of mankind's 'time invention' as a measure of earth's behavior and to secure his place in a timeless universe.

Matter is the arbitrator of all masses in the physical world and evolution is inherent in matter's quantum mechanics characteristic. Within the atomic exchanges, brain machinations are source for all polytheism or monotheism disciplines; in the depths of mental chemistry, faith rises as inherence in the belief thus developed. Surely, those with basic evaluation skills can discern the relative truth problematic in each position of enlightenment. Realizing the weakness in mere declarations of evolution hypothesis and in legal-historical assumptions, it behooves thinkers to move beyond theory and intuition, to consult available evidence, and to syllogistically test traditional rationale.

Evolutionary theory suggests, over the passage of several light years, the processes of microevolution (natural selection) and macroevolution (speciation) are responsible for the millions of fungi, animal, and plant species once lived or now living on earth. Unfortunately, fossilized remains do not exist in handy enough occurrence to prove the evolution hypothesis. But the absence of evidence does not preclude the existence of evidence. Therefore, many, with an axe to grind, wildly debate the Evolution/Intelligent Design theories as it might pertain to mortality or immortality issues raised in 'anthropic principle' or accidental element preponderance. Within our calculations and wishful thinking lies a prepotency to error.

Biblical interpretation is a prime example of miscalculation and prepotency to error. Alert to psychological incentives guiding man's immortality yearnings, we count the many miscalculations in tradition's Daniel Chapters alignment and interpretation: the Chapters reordered as follows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 8, 5, 6, 9, 11, and 12. Correct assembly reveals a surprising biblical Beast identity. Correct identity leads to an early date for John's Revelation and on to correct arrangement of New Testament writings, II Timothy being the last written during Parousia, in A.D. 68. Thus, we reveal two errors in traditional thinking concerning Daniel, John, and 'last days' exposition. Is it not an incentive to discover more about the faulty logic in theist/atheist debate?

Having raised doubt in the assurances claimed in both Evolution and Intelligent Design advocacies, we can recognize the urgent need to prove rightness or wrongness in the positions set forth. Recent research syllogistically resolves the age-old debate between theist and atheist.

Ben Winter, particles physicist, Bible scholar, and author of "THE GREAT DECEPTION: Symbols And Numbers Clarified," reveals there 'is' something new under the sun -- that is, for modern Bible students. He addresses correctness of language and true intent of the major Bible topics: solves Bible mysteries, defines Gog and Magog, reveals Daniel He-goat's surprising identity, and dares to number the all important Ten Ages. Sign up for FREE book critiques at http://www.Winterbriar.com and view more articles in blog format at http://blog.thegreatdeception.net.

วันพุธที่ 23 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

What Is The Theory of Evolution?

People have always wondered who we are, where we came from, and how we came to be. Scholars argue that we are the descendents of an unknown common ancestor to the ape and that we are closely related to them as well. Others argue that we came to be based on the teachings in the Bible. In any case the evolution theory provides a good argument which gives people the benefit of the doubt, but at the same time doesn't connect anyway to what is normally religiously practiced.

The theory of evolution has been argued by scholars for many years. The common theory is the Darwin Theory of Evolution which states that all life is related and has descended from a common ancestor. This theory argues the fact that todays plants and animals (including humans) have evolved over time from our primitive ancestors through the process known as natural selection. This process states that the beneficial traits of our ancestors over an extended period of time resulted in what is known as todays plant or animal. To put it simply, we are the most up to date model of what is known as a human like the most up to date model of a car, and like a car over time it will "evolve" and become more adapted and efficient to better suit its environment.

There is also the debate on whether evolution is a fact or theory. Most scientists believe that evolution is indeed a theory with very well supported facts, such as fossils. While others believe that evolution is a fact and can be proven anytime. Religious experts would often argue evolution to be theory but at the same time scientists would argue what they believe to be theory as well. Each side in turn could both be theory since one is based on facts on what is and the other is based on faith. Who knows what to believe really when both sides present such strong arguments? We as humans are stuck with this difficult decision on whether to believe what we were raised (for the most part) to believe or to believe the facts that are brought before us.

Regardless on if it's a fact or theory, it is still a widely discussed topic on how we came to be what we are today. We must also take note that with all the facts that we have on this subject, it is still a big puzzle with many missing pieces that still need to be discovered. Without more and ultimately the rest of the pieces, the topic of evolution will never be able to reach its full potential.

The Passing of Genes is the Secret of Evolution

The passing of divine genes is accomplished through the chakras which are the organs of the ethereal body that surround the physical body while in incarnation. They cross the line with the spirit between manifestation and non-manifestation.

The passing of physical genes is accomplished through the physical organs of the body themselves, the actual flesh, blood and bones.

The animal-based brain is the motor function center of the physical body. It cannot be said that the role of the animal-based brain is unimportant. Without it there would be no life, no body for the incarnating soul to enter to experience the earth plane. It is the control of this animal-based brain for usage by the incarnating soul that is of vital importance.

The animal-based brain is a physical organ by which genes are passed from physical evolution. These genes are as thought-pictures passed from the parents. They are memories of traumatic events and also very impressionable and inspiring events that happened to our ancestors.

These thought-pictures can go back a long way, over eons even, to the beginning of the human race, which was when the first genes from the higher planes were inseminated into the animal bodies. There will not be thought-pictures passed previous to that because it was the genes from higher planets that carried the animal into the human dimension. To repeat, it was the inseminating of these higher genes that changed the animal to the human and allowed the passing of genes or memories or thought-pictures.

Animals that followed the animal track, even animals today, do not have this capability of passing memories of their ancestors. They operate purely on instinctive reactions that are pertinent to their particular species. Humans, on the other hand, can pass these memories and can change these memories. The secret of evolution itself is in the changing of the memories and passing on more highly evolved or knowledgeable thought-pictures.

The first brain was a single glob of matter that registered outside stimuli when a pattern was repeated. Any action that was not repeated again and again did not register. It was simply a "musculature" conditioning to outside activity - outward physical actions. These, of course, included walking, running, eating, elimination of waste, procreation, and all of the basic body functions.

When an action such as picking up a rock and throwing it was not repeated for a long period of time, say several weeks or a month, the next time it was performed was like a brand new experience as far as the brain was concerned. It had no memory of the previous try and was a totally new performance. If the action were repeated every day for several days in a row, the muscle content of the brain would register this new "twitching" or "flexing" and "loosen" up the tight constriction of the cells that were photographing this action. It then would become a learned action and an easier task to perform from that point on.

In the early animal-man, the very first action to register was walking on two legs because the pre-programmed brain was tuned into walking on all fours. This standing on two legs to reach food high up in trees was actually the first sign that here was an animal that could be taught new things. That first action of balancing on the two hind legs was repeated often enough to register as a muscle reflex action on the brain. Walking soon followed.

As the next generation was born, the flexibility of the brain cells was more prominent due to the use of the one giving the genes. The change in cells of the brain of the parents caused the genes that were passed on to their offspring to be more "advanced." It is very important that this be understood. Herein lies the answers to some of humanities' puzzling questions of genealogy.

A man could father one child and three years later father another who was directly influenced either for good or for bad by what that father did in the three year period between fathering the two children. The mother also has this ability to pass on "changed" genes between offspring. As a matter of fact, she has slightly more influence than the father because the matter for the form is drawn from her cells.

The first animals to stand upon the hind legs became stronger and more intelligent due to taking this initiative on their own because of their desire for food. It was a matter of survival that instigated the survival of the race and caused it to grow.

In other words, the evolutionary growth of the race was begun because of the survival instinct. That set the pattern for all that was to follow as far as the development of this brain. Therefore, even after the experiments were begun by those in the higher planes to hasten this growth, there was no changing this first pattern of survival instinct which had as a sidekick, competition.

Competition is a necessary part of the survival instinct. It cannot be separated from it, or the survival instinct is no longer there. Therein lies our problem. If competition is totally eliminated, humanity would not have the will to survive and would die off. This competition needs to be balanced, not eliminated. What it boils down to is the fact that competition is the survival instinct. All changing and growth that has been done since then has been built on top of this "animal instinct" of survival, leading to competition. This must be remembered and "worked" with in everything having to do with the human brain.

The only way to change this ever is through education and conditioning of the brain from birth onward as to a better way to survive than competing against each other. This babe then grows to manhood or womanhood and has children. These children then have brain cells that are not as loosened up in this area as was their parents. The same procedure is then used as far as their education goes and the children they give birth to have the same non-functioning of this particular cell mass of the brain.

After enough generations go by, the cells in this mass begin to deteriorate. Eventually this part of the brain is undeveloped in future generations and disappears. What a long drawn-out process of change this is going to be. But it must start now with the education of each and every babe born onto the earth plane. This very beginning of brain function is not understood by our scientists today. When it is, then will come further understanding of early childhood education from birth and before on.

A study needs to be done of the fetal growth of animals and the physiological changes that they encounter in each life and the growth they are capable of in relation to what they achieve. This can then be compared to the total overall evolutionary growth of the animal track and then can be explained as far as animal-based brain actions and attitudes. This will then all be related to the process that takes place in humans. For instance, the brain of a baby human at one stage is exactly the same as a koala bear's brain. They could be used for experiment and research to aid SIDS (infant death syndrome). The answer to this baffling problem would be found if this research was done.

The animal-based brain is the motor function center of the physical body. It cannot be said that the role of the animal-based brain is unimportant. Without it there would be no life, no body for the incarnating soul to enter to experience the earth plane. It is the control of this animal-based brain for usage by the incarnating soul that is of vital importance.

The animal-based brain is a physical organ by which genes are passed from physical evolution. These genes are as thought-pictures passed from the parents. They are memories of traumatic events and also very impressionable and inspiring events that happened to our ancestors.

These thought-pictures can go back a long way, over eons even, to the beginning of the human race, which was when the first genes from the higher planes were inseminated into the animal bodies. There will not be thought-pictures passed previous to that because it was the genes from higher planets that carried the animal into the human dimension. To repeat, it was the inseminating of these higher genes that changed the animal to the human and allowed the passing of genes or memories or thought-pictures.

Animals that followed the animal track, even animals today, do not have this capability of passing memories of their ancestors. They operate purely on instinctive reactions that are pertinent to their particular species. Humans, on the other hand, can pass these memories and can change these memories. The secret of evolution itself is in the changing of the memories and passing on more highly evolved or knowledgeable thought-pictures.

This article was excerpted from The Fantastic Human Being by Norma Hickox and can be ordered at http://www.chrysalispub.com Norma is a professional musician. She plays and teaches six instruments and composes music. She has been an organist and choir director for many different spiritual denominations and has also taught vocal music in private elementary and pre-schools. She has also done painting, writing, dance and theater.

When she began composing, the music and lyrics would flow into her head in complete form. A year later she began to receive information from a spiritual source that flowed in the same way as the music. This new material was explained to be from spiritual teachers whose intent is to bring in new, much needed spiritual teachings for the new millennium. Hence the name, New Millennium NoteBooks.

These teachings are based on the Science of Music, which is the fundamental vibrational order and creative nature of the universe. The vibrations of music affecting her body since she was four years old is what allowed this opening to take place.

วันอังคารที่ 22 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Are Animals Dumb? Language In The New Age

Are animals dumb? I have heard that said before. As we are evolving into the next step of human evolution, everything about how we interact will change. When I am looking for examples of how humans will be, I always look to two groups to give me the answers. One is young children under 10 and the other is nature. One of the characteristics of new human behavior is the attribute of unconditional love for all things and knowing that we are all connected by an invisible web. This shift into unity consciousness is constantly bringing up questions for me about how we will change in different areas that are present now. Like eating, shelter, daily activities and as in my last article - language and communication. This is a continuation of the discussion of language in the new age.

We like to think that we are better than animals because we have the ability to think and speak. I always thought that this notion was kind of elitist, but since my awakening in 2000 I know this to be a myth. I am no different than that whale in the ocean or the ant crawling along the dirt. We like to separate our selves from animals because that is how we have been. We have lived in a consciousness of duality where we believe that we are separate. Not only separate but better than the animals and also each other. To use animals as anything to emulate is a silly concept. Isn't it? Anyone who studies animal behavior or is a true animal lover may not agree.

In my last article, I brought up the point that we may use non verbal communication as opposed to speaking with words as words leaves room for misinterpretation. Communicating by using body language, eye to eye contact and possibly telepathically are some examples of non verbal communication. Mass consciousness is a concept that modern physics is just scratching the surface on and if you read science journals you will see that objects communicating through an unseen connecting web is now almost considered a fact in quantum physics. This web is what new age spiritualists (labels are so limiting and divisive) have talked about for 20 years or longer. Is communicating with each other in this way so far fetched?

Look at the animals. How do they communicate? They seem to know what the others in their flock or herd are doing or going to do. How do they do that? I believe that they do that through the unseen web that connects them. Animal scientists will also say that many species use differing verbal sounds to communicate different things. Things like threats that are nearby or where to find food sources. Have you ever watched birds? If one finds some interesting morsel they all seem to come out of nowhere to join in. The insect world is a great example of non verbal communication. They are amazing at getting together as a unit to accomplish whatever they attempt. Ants are a beautiful example of co-operation and living in harmony with each other. They, to me, have a very sophisticated level of communication between each other. We use the word "dumb" at times to describe someone who doesn't speak. Are animals dumb just because they don't speak words like we do?

I was reading an article about the problem Tokyo was having with crows. The crow population has wildly increased in the last 10 years and they are causing problems with the electrical grid. They are nesting on power poles and shorting out transformers causing power outages. Tokyo's electric company has a special brigade of workers that go around and spot nests and destroy them. The article was about how the crows have adapted to this attack on their nests by building "dummy" nests that are empty in an attempt to divert the "crow brigade" away from the real nests. Doesn't sound very dumb to me. Do animals think? This must take some pretty high level communication between them to accomplish this trickery and also some process of thought.

Communication between the cetaceans (whales and dolphins) has been well documented and studied. Of course from my "wild" perspective it is obvious that these mammals would have a very intricate level of communication as I believe that they possess the highest, most enlightened consciousness of any species on earth, including humans. Their sounds may seem like chatter to us but what does our chatter sound like to them. Whales and dolphins are excellent examples of unity, harmony and heart to heart communication that will be attributes of human behavior in the new age.

You may say that animals are dumb creatures that just sit around all day and do nothing. How can we be like them.

We seem to gauge our existence and our worth by what we "do." We run around, chase the dollar and are seemingly unhappy unless we are doing something. With new perspective on what life is and who we are, that behavior will also change. The animals probably look at us and say to each other "Those humans are sure silly. They race around in circles just to end back at the same spot and then think they are smarter than us because we just relax and enjoy the day." Who are the enlightened ones?

It is well known that migrating animals use the unseen magnetic grid to guide them in their migrations. The idea that there is an unseen web for communication between us may seem the stuff of science fiction but it wasn't long ago that gravity and magnetism occupied that same position in our consciousness. I know we like to proliferate the concept that if we can't see it, isn't real but surely there has been enough proof of grids around us that serve different purposes for us to believe that there may be a web that we tap into subconsciously to communicate with each other. Animals use it every day.

Language and communication for awakened humans on the new earth may resemble our animal brothers and sisters, where we use non verbal communication as our primary connection. Nature seems to get along just fine without words. I believe that we know that we are merely one species of animals, but for me to suggest that humans are the same as animals will probably not go over very well. Looking at the animals as an example of an enlightened human's behavior makes perfect sense to me. They are certainly not dumb and their methods of communication are highly evolved. If we learn to trust non verbal communication as real and valid then it may be the new form of language for the new human on the new earth.

Then we can be "dumb" like the rest of the animals on earth

Seth Garrison is a certified Overlight Facilitator and creator of the energy healing system called "Back to Perfection". Overlight is a spiritual psychology that is designed to identify the root source of their dis-ease, be it mental or physical, and create a space for them to feel comfortable enough to heal themselves. More topics from Seth can be found at http://www.thesourceishere.com

Tips on Clownfish Care and Spawning

Clownfish are classified to the family Pomacentridae. The clownfish is among a group of species commonly referred to as damselfish. There are 28 recognized species of clownfish. Of those, 27 belong to the genus Amphiprion. Clownfish are native to both the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Their natural habitat includes the Great Barrier Reef and the Red Sea.

The color palette varies among clownfish depending on the species. They can be found in orange, reddish orange, maroon, yellow or black. Most species have the characteristic white bars with black trimming on their bodies for which they are named. These white and black stripes contrasting against the fish's body color make them look as if they are wearing a clown costume. Clownfish grow from 4-6 inches depending on the species. Their lifespan ranges from 3-6 years.

Clown fish are well known for the symbiotic mutualism they share with the sea anemone. The co-evolution of these two animals makes for one of the most interesting symbiotic relationships found in nature. Sea anemones are highly toxic to most marine life. This exotic creature paralyzes its prey with powerful neurotoxins. It then uses it tentacles to draw the prey into its gastrovascular cavity for digestion. This singular cavity functions as both a mouth and an anus. The digestive process results in semi-digested matter floating around the immediate vicinity of the anemone. Clownfish ingests this matter as a source of protein. They then excrete fecal matter which is an additional source of protein for the anemone.

Clownfish have a mucus membrane surrounding their bodies that acts as a natural barrier against the anemone's poisonous nematocysts. Scientific experimentation has resulted in the death of clownfishes exposed to these neurotoxins after being stripped of their protective mucus. This mucus allows the clownfish to seek shelter from predation within the protection of the anemone's tentacles. It is common for the clownfish to remain within 2-4 inches of its host for its entire lifetime. This symbiosis has lead to clownfish being commonly called an anemonefish.

Clownfish are hardy and docile creatures. They make an excellent choice for amateur aquarists. They are also the perfect addition to a marine reef tank. Maintaining sea anemones presents more of a challenge. Fortunately for the beginner, clownfish can be kept without their natural host animals present. Just make sure to provide them with adequate hiding places and avoid mixing them with more aggressive species and you will be fine. Once you become more experienced you can choose to add an anemone to your aquarium. Make sure to check for compatibility with your local fish store or online retailer. Individual species of clownfish are compatible with different sea anemones.

Despite their demean nature, clownfish will exhibit territorial behavior toward other clownfish, especially clownfish of the same species. It is best to keep a single clownfish or a pair.

Clownfish have been commercially bred in captivity. When purchasing any fish that can be bred in captivity you want to buy captive-born rather than a fish caught in the wild. You will have a happy, healthier fish that is much more likely to acclimate to its new surroundings. And tank bred fish are generally more disease resistant than their wild counterparts.

Clownfish are omnivorous. A clownfish raised without the presence of a sea anemone can be fed vitamin enriched brine shrimp, or zooplankton in combination with marine frozen foods formulated for omnivores.

Spawning Clownfish Unlike most hermaphroditic fish species clownfish are sequential hermaphrodites. All clownfish are born as males as opposed to protogyny hermaphrodites who are always born as females. If there are two clownfish in an aquarium together the larger more dominant of the two will transform into a female.

You will want to use a breeding tank if you are attempting to breed clownfish couple in captivity. Place a piece of pvc pipe in the bottom of your aquarium floor to be used as a breeding chamber. Eggs will be deposited either on the bottom of the pipe or on the surface of a flat rock near by. The fry will hatch 6-10 days later.

Newly hatched fry are very small. They should be fed rotifers until they mature. Once they get a little larger they can be fed newly hatched brine shrimp or powdered dry food.

The hottest new trend in saltwater aquarium ownership is pet jellyfish. Jellyfish can't be kept in a traditional saltwater tank setup. They need a specially designed Jellyfish Aquarium Fish Tank to remain alive and healthy. Jellyfish tanks don't require the constant upkeep normally associated with saltwater aquariums. Moon Jellies are the most popular jellyfish for home aquariums because of their exotic beauty and ease of care. Find out more about Moon Jellies and other Pet Jellyfish. Jellyfish are among the most interesting creatures in the aquatic kingdom.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Evolution's Response: Britax Car Seats

Humans are the only the species in the entire animal kingdom with the capacity for rearing children. Other animals do not usually care for their young in the same capacity and extent as we do. Usually, like the shark, mothers would eat their young as soon as they are born. Lucky for us, our mothers were not like that. Scientists have been baffled for years as to the extent human mothers and fathers would care for their offspring as compared to animals like lions or gorillas that would leave their offspring to fend for themselves upon reaching physical maturity. Where is the nurture, where is the care, and lastly, where is the love? What does this have to do with Britax car seats? We'll get to that shortly.

Science has given a short explanation as to why humans are so adamant about caring for their children. Like all things concerning anything remotely human, the answer lies in our larger-than-average brains. Unlike other animals, the human brain is not yet fully developed once a child is born. Further development occurs during a child's formative years. This relatively slow pace of cognitive development leaves human children quite vulnerable to the rigors of everyday life. Not all functions the human brain is capable of doing are available to human children. Humans are, therefore, by virtue of their evolutionary path, predisposed into having a significant level of concern for the safety and well-being of their genetic offspring. Looking at the larger picture, this is a very efficient and simple design of our very human-ness. This significant amount of care and concern assures the continuance of future generations. That is why we do not see children fending for themselves in the wild -- parents are there to provide for all their needs.

Again, is this in any way important to the discussion on Britax car seats? The answer is a resounding "YES!" Car seats are designed with the safety and well-being of your children in mind. The capacity to care is the evolutionary response to the glaring needs of our underdeveloped and vulnerable children. Britax car seats are evolution's next step towards ultimate and efficient child safety.

Choosing the right car seat can be quite a daunting prospect for most parents. Lucky for you, this article is here to help you choose which one is best for your child. The number of types of Britax Car Seats might at first glance make the choice complicated, but it is actually very simple. Know this before choosing: your child's age and weight, the type of car you'll be installing the car seat in, and whether you plan on carrying the seat around or putting up a stroller. Simply have a set of criteria you can follow. It's that simple, really. For example, if your child is still an infant, perhaps an infant car seat with adjustable carrying handle would prove best. Know your child's need and the choice for the correct car seat will simply "sit itself down."

Britax car seats are highly rated for safety, durability, and ease of use. Parents consistently rate the Britax Boulevard convertible car seat and the Britax Marathon as their best investments for traveling with their precious cargo.

The Metaphysics of Religion - Its Origins and Effects on Mankind

In this New Age, the Age of Aquarius, the Earth and its inhabitants are going through much change and evolution. It is a time where mankind is examining its true nature and spiritual consciousness is rampant. Many questions related to religion, its effects and its usefulness are being posed. Such questions are well deserved, for if we are remembering that we are more than deserving, loving, spiritual beings on Earth having a learning experience then why have we been told the opposite for so long by many religious leaders? Why have we been told that we are sinners fallen from grace and are here seeking redemption? What has been the purpose of religion all this time? A metaphysical exploration of religion and its origins can do much for those confused about religion and its place in society.

Prior to religion and social structure as we now know it, there was no separation between man and nature. Just as the animals of the earth are born with an instinctual, biological knowing so was the nature of man. The species of men were very close with the animals and earth, and worked cooperatively for the evolution of all creature-hood. Man did not need to reassure himself of his power because he instinctively knew it. The species existed contently in this knowing.

At some point in the history of men, there was a desire for an evolution in consciousness. Although consciousness had always been present in the species of men (and all things) it existed as one of a biological nature. The new desire however was for a specialization or a consciousness that consciously created. In order to do this, man would need to be more reflective in nature. He must be able to create, interact with his creation, and reflect upon it to consciously alter his desire and thus create again. Also, he must have an ordered environment that would provide enough contrast for him playfully birth his desires. He must be able to do this guilt free and without inhibitions.

Thusly, religion fulfilled all of these requirements. It provided a reminder of the unseen to the species of men. Particularly in the Western religion of Christianity, man is appointed dominion over the rest of creature-hood. This appointment gave them special permission to fulfill the desire to consciously create. It gave them permission to separate from their biological knowing and thus from the earth. This dominion is expressed in such Bible stories of the naming of the animals. When God created Adam he told him that he was special and made in his image, also he had dominion over all the earth and the creatures in it. Since Adam was in charge so to speak, he was then charged with the duty of naming all the animals in the Animal Kingdom.

To further this attempt of separation from nature, Western religion took on a patriarchal nature. The god-head of this system was to be a male. This male god was endowed with all the creative abilities of man. He is able to create on his own with no feminine energy. When he did create mankind (as told by creation story of Genesis) he first created the male. This male was in his image and unto his likeness (this serves an important clue to the nature of man). The female was then given birth to from the male. The woman is not thought of as existing in her own right, unto her own energetic nature. In this model she is of the man. It cuts all ties with the feminine energies of mankind. In doing this, religion has again furthered the attempt of man in its separation from nature, which is a feminine principle.

When Jesus, the savior of this religion, is born, his mother is made a virgin; again disregarding the need for the feminine principle. He too is to be made a virgin and now belongs to the male Trinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (which is asexual).

The creation story and fall from grace depicted in Genesis of the Christian Bible is a highly symbolic one; it is meant to represent the birth of a consciousness rather than the physical birth of mankind. After the male God spoken of earlier had created man and woman, He leaves them in a blissful garden to do as they please. He rendezvous with them often and does not hesitate to show them His face (something that is not done now due to the sinful nature of man). They may eat from any and all tree with the exception of one; it is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The woman, however, is tempted by the adversary of God to eat of this tree and so she does. After she does this, she convinces her male counterpart to do the same thing and ever since then mankind had been on a wild ride of suffering and sin. This is the story as told by many Christian denominations.

What is largely misunderstood by this story is that it is not a "fall from grace" at all but an evolution in the consciousness of man. The state of man in the Garden of Eden was unquestioning. Mankind would rendezvous with God whenever they pleased and was always aware of his presence. This represents the biological and innate knowing that man had of himself and his godhood. Mankind had no inhibitions and was close to the earth and the rest of creature-hood. However, mankind became curious; he wanted to be a conscious creator. As discussed earlier, this meant that the species must separate somewhat from this biological knowing and must become more conscious of CHOICE. This awareness of choice is exhibited in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Good and evil however are relative; a more apt vocabulary would be wanted and unwanted since there is no source of evil. The decision to eat from this tree was the decision of the species to evolve their consciousness and knowingly pick from the field of possibilities to create their desires.

Religion has readily served its function to mankind. Not only has it supported the species' desire to evolve in consciousness, but has also accurately depicted the history of itself and the consciousness of mankind in such stories above. It is really up to us whether or not we will listen and remember or whether we will distort these stories to only further separate ourselves from our True Self. The choice has always ours even when we were not and are still not aware of it.

Andrea Gardiner offers metaphysical coaching and intuitive guidance. After spending two years in Naturopathic Medical School, she acknowledged that her soul art is expressed through spiritual healing and teaching. Since leaving the arena of medicine she acquired her second bachelor and masters in metaphysics and is currenlty a PhD candidate. She currently finds satisfaction serving her soul and her clients in her practice, The Path to You, LLC. To learn more about her services please feel free to visit byregion.net/cgibin/users/profiles.pl?username=agardiner or call 860.335.8157.

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Is There No Psychic Evolution?

We are almost completely unaware of the evolution of psychic function. We believe that people of ancient times were exactly like us, as if conscious human nature was born, like Paul Bunyan, in it's present form, without any need for psychic leaps of understanding-perhaps most of which haven't happened yet. Whether as archeologists, historians, sociologists, or anyone studying ancient times, we draw conclusions about motive and state of mind based upon present-time human consciousness, assuming that psychically we always have been like we are today, and always will be exactly the same.

Indeed the entity least studied on planet Earth is human nature. We know as much about ourselves as we know about the deep sea, less than 10% of which has ever been explored. We've found very exotic wonderful animals on the bottom of the ocean, and we've imagined strange and unfathomable traits in the dark recesses of our unconscious. But both deep places remain as mysterious and unknown as paleontology or archeology was 200 years ago-which may be how long it will take us seriously to understand ourselves.

After over 100 years of clinical study one would think that psychology would have revealed much more information. In a sense it has, though that knowledge is perceived so obliquely that we can't see the forest for the trees. Studying ourselves is still very much like trying to understand the normal function of deep-sea creatures when the only way we can accurately examine them is to remove them from their natural environment. Indeed, except for psychotherapy, the study of psychic human nature is treated as a function of brain physiology, as if the human spirit derived from grey matter. Instead the human psyche is an intangible, ephemeral spiritual entity, unlike any other living creature, capable of observing and knowing itself.

Humanity has evolved some very virtuous and wonderful traits, like our ability much of the time to restrain a powerful tendency toward violence, and a capacity for thoughtful sensitive acts of caring and love. But in the study of psychology our principle efforts have been committed to discovering various kinds of psychopathology. Because of this emphasis upon illness, not much illumination has been shed upon normal human psychic function, which has been defined almost entirely in a negative way, as the absence of psychopathology. What a strangely dark cast to put upon what is assumed to be, in its normal state, at least in part the epitome of happiness and satisfaction? Why this predominant emphasis upon dysfunction?

Curiously, in spite of this clouded perspective, most of us regard ourselves as perfectly normal. If so, why do we spend so much time studying human pathologies? The average person would explain this as evidence that it's the shrinks who are crazy, looking for insanity everywhere else but in themselves. In contrast professionals mostly avoid the issue, or put a positive cast upon what is by definition negative phenomena-in other words, pathology. There is at present a strong cultural movement to regard everything previously perceived as abnormal, as if it were indeed the epitome of normal. This includes everything from food binging to criminality.

In trying to make everything okay, yet professionally continuing to study the intimate details of psychopathology, what are we wrestling with? Insisting that we're all perfectly normal, yet secretly worrying about things that feel quite beyond our capability, we struggle with how to put the pieces of this strange contradictory puzzle together. As a result of the environmental movement, many of us have begun to think of ourselves as a cursed and destructive species that deserves to be annihilated for the safety and survival off all other living things. Most likely, if we put all of this contradictory evidence together, it means that we're gnashing our teeth in the sometimes-frightening dilemma of finding out just who we are-in spite of our pretense that we already know.

Until the last 200 to 300 years we've been exclusively the property of God, Who has, since time immemorial, defined who we are and what we're not, or shouldn't be. Though all of this defining was, and still is for many, done in the context of good and evil-which, if you look at it carefully, is a very primitive system of understanding. It has only two alternatives-instead of millions, a number that characterizes the complexity of the ecosystems that science has revealed to us.

The multiplicity of options our study has unveiled in the realm of physical reality has made possible the proliferation of our proudest achievement-technology. We are so enamored of the miraculous power technology has given us, we can't stop watching the thrill of it erecting and exploding things. There's strong evidence that we would prefer to be a machine in order to give us superhuman strength. In a sense we've all become computer nerds in order to occupy and master what many regard as the brain-god of the future.

Meanwhile back at the farm, psychology-actually psychotherapy, the best laboratory for the study of the human psyche-continues to unravel the mysteries of psychopathology. In our private thoughts, and sometimes within a social context, we fully accept the guilt of this negatively charged concept of human nature, while we also strongly resist it openly being applied to ourselves. So which view is true?

The answer is perhaps a mixture of both perspectives, meaning what we've discovered in psychopathology is true about us, but on the other hand, these dysfunctional traits aren't pathological, though they can be very painful and frightening. Is it perhaps normal to be, and do what for so long we've called crazy?

Lets consider this radical option and see where it takes us. What we discover immediately is that a remarkable man, a Princeton psychologist, Julian Jaynes, has been here before us. He proposed just such a theory in the 1970's (The Origin of Consciousness), which asserted that prior to about 3000 years ago, the vast majority of humans hallucinated! If that is so, perhaps what we call psychosis, with its delusions and hallucinations, represent a normal stage in the evolution of the human psyche.

What Jaynes discovered both academically, and in his own life-he occasionally hallucinated, as do many non-psychotic humans-was that the human brain evolved to make hallucination very easily accomplished. Electrically stimulate the only connective tissue between the brain's right and left lobes, and most people will momentarily be delusional or hallucinate. But for what purpose would nature play what seems, at first glance, to be such a dirty trick upon us? The answer is in order to be able to off-load much of human experience until it could be gradually understood and integrated into a more evolved mature psyche, capable of containing what, to an earlier human, was unimaginable.

Having lost the ability to hear commanding voices telling us to do what we could not internally comprehend, humanity suffered deeply for eons of time, revealing why oracles, the use of psychedelics and trances, for instance, were so terribly important to ancient civilization, and up to the present time, in our efforts to bring the voices back.

To illustrate what may well have been a gradual and painful evolution of psychic capability, consider just one concept it has taken humanity tens of thousands of years to evolve-democracy, in some ways that is still poorly conceived. This enlightened political idea failed to happen for so many centuries not because of oppression, as we normally assume, but because a sufficient majority of humans were not yet capable of assuming the responsibility-or even imagining it-of being sufficiently independent of the social matrix to presume to have a mind of their own, putting them at odds with, and outside their family or social group. Imagine the emergence of selfhood in a child growing up as a reenactment of that evolutionary process.

A second question emerges. If hallucination is an evolutionary part of human nature, then what psychic strategies followed it as a replacement? Total psychic maturity most likely didn't follow immediately, and may never entirely be accomplished. The answer is to be found in today's most-studied form of psychopathology-borderline personality, more accurately known as someone who employs dissociation.

Psychosis exists in a psyche unable to contain all of its personal experience as something, at least partially, originating from inside. Instead part of what that psyche is, feels and thinks must be heard and obeyed in large part as a command from an external source. In sharp contrast, dissociation is a psyche capable of containing much, if not all experience, but who is able to pay almost no attention to what is external. The severely dissociated personality operates instead from a made-up, pretended, personal fantasy system that makes it possible to live in what we like to call the real world, but to regard all external stimuli as completely unreliable, threatening and perhaps even deadly.

Whole societies, obviously of a very warring nature, have functioned in this way.

The psychopath is perhaps the best-known example of severe dissociation, as someone who appears utterly without conscience, meaning any regard whatsoever for anyone else. Though they pretend they do, becoming very skilled at appearing entirely sympathetic to others, but only in order to be able to entice them into being a pawn in their usually malevolent game plan-treating the world the way it treated them, as dog eat dog.

In general dissociation means literally to put out-of-sight, out-of-mind-the way we used to regard and treat children precisely because they are primitive in their function, and we didn't want to be contaminated by this primitive content. Denial is one of the strategies of dissociation.

In the case of non-psychopathic dissociative personality, others don't suffer; they do, very deeply. They have cut themselves off from the real world because the one they occupied as a child was so utterly mortifying, terrifying, and dangerous, that they could arrange to survive by occupying primarily their own fantasy/body system. They remain fiercely loyal to their family of origin, ironically by learning not to see this terrible villainy; only in their private fantasy world could they believe in an ideal loving space, turning what is malevolent into something holy. They may pretend the outside is safe, but they meet it with indifference.

Perhaps the best-known example of such psychic functioning is in the book, and then movie, I Never Promised You A Rose Garden. It's a story of a very disturbed girl who lived honestly only in the company of her private invented gods. The extent, to which children will go to prove their parents are good and they are bad-to protect the connection envelope-is beautifully revealed in the movie, Ordinary People, where a young man attempts suicide in order to take personal responsibility for, and conceal his mother's hatred of him.

There is evidence to suggest that dissociation may be a generic defense of all humans, more or less. Truth is we ignore most of the evidence that passes in front of our noses every day. It's not because we're bad. It's because we haven't learned to integrate it. By way of illustration, lets consider a piece of history that is not well known, which has to do with the enormous difficulty of achieving a more perfect democracy.

"The Constitution will inevitably produce an oligarchy."

It was Thomas Jefferson who said this, following ratification of the Constitution. That's when he wrote the Bill of Rights to counteract that eventuality, though historians don't teach that. Much of the how of governing ourselves by direct-vote-a true democracy- is something we can't yet even imagine.

At first Thomas Jefferson tried to insert into the body of the Constitution the convening of a Constitutional Convention every 25 years-every generation-to facilitate updating it. So what have we made of it instead? A sacred document that will never change; responsibility is indeed an awesome experience, intimidating to consider.

But we should not be discouraged. In spite of all our shortcomings, humanity continues, with much stumbling, to make progress. The fact is we have evolved probably far more than we realize. Taking just a small piece of that movement, perhaps the greatest achievement of the 20th century will be the discovery that war, as annihilation-what it's always been within the limits of technology-is unwinnable. The Bomb taught us that. This has begun to lead us to the realization that war must become exclusively preventative, to stop conquest and racial extermination-in other words to exterminate itself. This could make it possible for centuries of peace ruled by democratic principles instead of by tyrants, who have brought long years of peace before, but only as absolute rulers. Such prolonged stable conditions are required if the human psyche is to grow significantly larger.

My additional works can be seen at this website: http://donfenn.com

Airbrush Makeup -The Evolution of Beauty

What ever happened to Fay Wray? We've lost her in the tunnels of time, but the new starlet captured in these beastly arms is just as gorgeous as Wray ever was- and we've done it all with a little bit of air! Sounds light? You're right! Airbrushing! The flawless coverage and natural translucency that airbrush makeup offers is a huge step in the evolution of makeup art.

When the average person hears the word airbrush, we think of a car being painted, or the final stages of prints for magazines that are finessed into perfection. Today, these processes are accomplished digitally. The model's print (who already happens to be stunningly gorgeous) is color corrected, her teeth are made whiter, her pupils enhanced, her lashes made thicker, her skin tweaked to perfection, her legs thinned out and elongated. It's quite an artificial process and it leads me to the conclusion that I ...or any farm animal in Bruce County, for that matter... could probably model for Vogue. However, what would you say if some of these adjustments could be made on your face instead of on your picture? I said prove it!

As I watched the tiny droplets leave the airbrush gun and dance in the air before landing on the subject's face I was intrigued. I was sold when I saw a pretty great result dry into flawlessness. "Lets just wait a minute and watch the paint dry to see the final result," the demo makeup artist whispered. (It reminded me of an episode on the original Star Trek with William Shatner hanging out with a colony of women taking "the beauty pill " and watching all the "Plain Janes" turning into sexy amazons with the blink of an eye).

Spending time with the system I discovered the secrets that airbrushing holds. The airbrush gun takes the tiniest, most fragile foundation molecule and oxidizes it into a high opacity. In other words, one can wear the sheerest of sheer foundations and have virtually perfect skin. When I took the airbrush foundation and tried to apply it by traditional methods (a sponge and my finger tips) it was too watery to work with. Yet the same foundation passed through the air system takes on a new characteristic and a strength that I have not seen in the twenty-six years I've been painting faces.

Our model, a mother of two in her mid-thirties is posing for a "beauty and the beast" concept photo shoot. Genny has had her foundation, contour, and eye shadow air brushed. This photograph has been slightly lightened but is untouched. Genny typically has darkness under her eyes, and an uneven skin tone.


o Maximum coverage with minimal product

o Delivers a natural and translucent look

o Great for oily skin

o Fantastic for overly active skin that tends to "eat" makeup up

o Lasts ten to twelve hours - a bride's best friend

o Does not require powder, which can be ageing

o Some foundation formulations are silicone based.

o Silicone is as smooth as silk.


o Set up fee for airbrush technician: $500 to $800. Requires a skilled technician/artist or a lot of home practice.

o Airbrush Make-up session $80 to $200

o Beauty airbrush is slowly making its way into the television and the film industry. With the transition of high definition television, it's definitely a makeup artist's and television personality's new best friend.

To view a video clip of airbrush makeup, log on to http://promakeupart.com/video.shtml and click on " fashion air brush".

Robert Closs is the Founder and Managing Director of The School of Professional Makeup in Toronto, Canada. The School of Professional Makeup is one of the premier makeup schools in Canada. Rob has provided fashion advice, makeup tips and beauty tips for almost 25 years.