Evolution through the Kingdoms of Life: Mineral, Vegetable, and Animal The first beings on this material (physical) plane of existence called earth were the basic building blocks of life, the sub-atomic particles that coalesce to form the atom. Each atom has its own individual nature, but atoms are also attracted to other atoms, which allows them to form into molecules. An atom might be, for example, an atom of gold, whereas a water molecule is made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen (H2O). Through successive merging, various atoms and molecules build up compounds which, in turn, build up into life forms, beginning with single-celled organisms. These so-called lower life forms are living beings just like you and me, only much simpler.
The more complex beings, further up the evolutionary scale, are made up of more than one cell, or groups of cells, passing through various stages of evolution, from the invertebrates to the vertebrates (creatures with a nerve cord down the back and an internal skeleton), to the mammals, including human beings. All these life forms, from the sub-atomic particles through the minerals, vegetables and non-human animals have a soul. Manifestation is reflected through this evolutionary scale, and what is being built into each higher stage of being is character. Character, as it pertains to this book, is the soul as it expresses itself through all states of consciousness, creating the person reading this book right now. Character and soul are the same - the total of all the states of consciousness of the individual. DNA, much of which is very ancient, links us to each evolutionary stage. Both physical and non-physical structures, such as intelligence and emotions, are preserved in the DNA.
Every experience of every living being upon the earth plane has been built into our DNA, and each human experience is encoded into our subconscious minds, even if it is not remembered consciously. As we progress through the different stages of evolution, we progress into more complex beings. It is the process of memory that allows us to progress and retain the experiences that we have gone through, creating complex human beings. As a soul moves through evolution, first as a rock or mineral, attraction and repulsion are experienced. Then, as these experiences are stored within the subconscious, knowledge is reformulated to create a more complex being, such as a plant. This process continues throughout evolution, in the plant stage we learn about sensitivity that moves us to the animal realm, giving us the quality of instinct, then on to the human. As humans we acquire the great power of free will. Through hypnosis people can remember previously forgotten experiences that go back through all previous stages of their personal development. The experiences of our evolution, from minerals, plants and animals that are encoded in our DNA shows us that the character of an individual is derived from the first beings.
Memory Studies on DNA show evidence that, within our physical structure, we are linked to the first being and all beings that are on the material plane. As we recognize that we are made of different combinations of these so-called "lower" life forms, it becomes apparent that the desires and actions that we experience also come from the animal, plant, and mineral parts that are within all of us. Our bodies house all kinds of desires that are far more primitive than the human being as it progresses with free will. Studies from hypnosis demonstrate that once something is learned it is never forgotten. All life experiences are retained in memory and stored in the subconscious or soul realm. This soul realm, or the subconscious, is of great importance in the process of conscious manifestation. By understanding properties of this realm, such as time being no factor, we begin to recognize what our character is made of, leading to self-awareness and eventually the ability to change, resulting in conscious manifestation.
Cellular Consciousness All life has consciousness, and all life has some form of memory of all experiences from the past. At the evolutionary stage of the one-celled organism, soul is readily visible, reflecting its own unique intelligence. Soul is life intelligence. Through evolution, little life forms cooperate and coalesce together to become larger, more complex beings with all life, including simple one-cells, having systems of biology. An example of an organ that displays its own intelligence is the liver. Recently, surgeons were able to take one lobe of the liver of a parent and transplant it into a child whose liver was defective. The parental transplant grew larger and larger until it became a fully functioning liver on its own, a being in its own right. All beings have consciousness and intelligence, and our own lives are conditioned by the fact that we inhabit physical bodies that are made up of billions of other life forms, each with its own history and process of evolution.
Experience Through Conditioning We all started out as sub-atomic particles and grew through the atomic, molecular and cellular states until we evolved into the human physical body. Our DNA reveals this progression through the kingdoms of life, and we have all the memories of all the experiences of all these beings within us, built into our cells and recorded within our subconscious. In order to understand how this progression directly affects our lives, we must look at conditioning. Before the human state, even before the vertebrate state, simpler organisms learned through conditioning and retained that learning through memory as a form of instinct, passed down through generations of animals. We build up our egos through the driving force of instinct, and we develop a conditioned ego through the survival drive. Ego provides the innate drive to do something, and this ego-drive expresses itself through experiences gained by action, including pleasure and pain. We all learn to respond to life experiences as a result of conditioning. An infant who comes upon a candle for the first time, either at a distance or close by, is attracted to the flame and reaches out to it. There is no existence without experience, and the ego provides the drive for new experience. The infant either can't touch the candle flame because it is too far away, or does touch it and gets a burn. This experience, accompanied by feelings of frustration or pain, is discordance. Through such conditioning (learned response), the next time the infant sees a candle flame, it will automatically have a new type of response toward the flame, depending on its first experience. Hundreds of such daily experiences build up an attitude (memory experience) toward the candle flame and all similar objects. Until another experience with a candle flame is different, like one associated with pleasure (harmony), that attitude will remain dominant in the infant's
memory Repeated conditioning of different types of experiences, form an attitude toward those experiences, becomes a perception, and these perceptions become the traits of individuality. Humans have an ego-drive for experience, conditioned with pleasure and pain over time, resulting in a series of perceptions that eventually become our reality. This reality, over time, actually creates the events that control our lives. Our individual perceptions are the combination of all our past experiences. Your reality is different from mine, and all reality is formed by perceptions that have been conditioned to perceive things in a specific manner. What you perceive as reality is nothing more than what you have created. By understanding how our individual perception builds our reality, we can more easily understand conscious manifestation and how it works. Knowing how perceptions are formed, we can learn how to change them through conditioning. Then we can see how perceptions directly affect everyday life and how important it is to control our inner world if we wish to control the outer world. Such control starts with directed thinking and induced emotion. Inner controls produce the outer manifestation of our choice.
All Things are Manipulated Through Electromagnetic Energy Electromagnetic energy is used by the physical body and the mind to do everything an embodied being needs to do. When we process a thought in our minds, it must go though a series of EM firings in the physical brain, and these firings communicate with the body, resulting in an action. When this electrical activity is going on inside the physical body, EM energy is released into the environment, producing overflow. There is an intimate link between thoughts in the mind and actions of the physical body, and there is also an intimate link between the physical (outer) plane and the inner planes of being. If we consider that EM energy, Awareness Through Dedicationwhich allows the transmission of thought to a physical world through action, can escape the physical body and leak out into the physical environment, we can see just how much our thoughts can affect the physical environment. There is much evidence that thought energy can affect the physical world through telekinesis, a phenomenon where certain people can move physical objects (other than their own body parts) without touching them.
Clearly, then, there exists a force controllable by the mind, an electromagnetic force that is constantly, yet unconsciously, excreted by human beings. The goal, then, is to gain conscious control of this EM energy in order to put it to work for our own good. Being able to control the energy that we are constantly expressing and releasing into the environment will result, in the long run, in our lives being changed. This process happens automatically with every thought, feeling, movement and action taken, and it should not be ignored or taken for granted. In order to live the lives we want, we must understand that we create our own reality at all times. By gaining control of what happens within us, we can control or change events that are outside ourselves. Without this understanding, we get caught up in never ending repeated patterns, because our very cells are conditioned to express themselves and process energy in a certain unconscious manner.
The Importance of Free Will Through our past experiences we have been conditioned to have certain automatic responses. These responses are expressed through thoughts and emotions that in turn create the major events in our lives, but we have evolved with free will, or the ability to break free of the dominance of conditioning, instinct. Free will gives us the ability to change what has been conditioned through organic evolution (as stored in the subconscious) to better our lives in the future, morals. The moral human can reconsider such purely survival-oriented behavior and may prefer not to harm others, by breaking free of instinct and expressing free will. Unfortunately, most of human society hardly expresses any free will at all. Human behavior, both as individuals and groups, seems to be expressed more or less unconsciously, and free will appears to be negatively oriented, which is evident in the vast degradation of the natural environment. This degradation makes life on the earth plane very difficult today; however, we also have never had such a great opportunity to become conscious, to take action, to exercise free will. This is a special era, and a little effort exerted now can go a long way toward the betterment of life on earth. All things work through desire energy that is conditioned through pleasure and pain.
Painful things are pushed as far away as possible and pleasant things are placed in front of our perception. Unfortunately, when painful things are pushed away from consciousness, they fall into the depths of the unconscious and only express themselves into conscious perception spontaneously and without conscious thought. This pushing away, or suppression, doesn't mean that this energy is not affecting us or our lives. On the contrary, such suppressed thoughts and feelings rise all too often into the subconscious emotional level and get stuck there, causing mental, emotional and physical health problems. The realm of the unconscious is where metaphysics and psychoanalysis meet and where they can do the most good the soonest.
Emotions and Electromagnetic Energy Emotions are also constantly released with electromagnetic energy into the environment, and this release of charged emotional energy contributes to continually creating our health and our physical and emotional well being, aswell as the events that make up the experiences of every day life. Studies of telekinesis, demonstrated by dice throwing, show how the EM energy that is released from the body is affecting the physical environment, and loss of interest in any extra sensory perception study by a subject lessens good results. Low emotion equals low results! In Walking Between the Worlds, Gregg Braden demonstrates how emotions (EM energy) are directly related to the building blocks of life (DNA), showing that there is a link between all creation and emotions.
He states, "Within each cell of the human body are found what may be thought of as micro antenna. These may be thought of as tiny molecular receptors, tuned to varying qualities of vibration by their nature. Structurally, these antenna appear as relatively long and intertwined forms of a double helix, known as deoxybose nucleic acids, our familiar DNA. Physical properties of the antenna, such as the length of each molecular bond, even the bond angle itself, determine the ability of that particular antenna to tune, or find resonance, with the reference signal of the brain. In terminology of molecular biologists, these receptors are expressed as sugars bonding to one of the four possible structures designated by unique symbols as "A" "C" "G" or "U". The sequences of these bases along each strand of DNA molecule determine the makeup of the familiar amino acids that are essential to carbon base life as we know it. Within this matrix we find the mystery, and possibly the answer, to the relationship between human emotion and DNA."
Braden illustrates the direct relationship between EM energy or emotion (conditioned EM energy) and physical matter; not just ordinary matter, but the building blocks of all life, when he states, but the building blocks of all life, when he states, "Recent research by Dan Winter indicates the possibility of a direct relationship between emotion, and the location of an antenna and whether or not the antenna is turned ON or OFF. In a paper published in 1994, Winter describes the possibility that the long wave of emotion programs the short wave of DNA. In his book, Alphabet of the Heart, Winter suggests that it is the resonant location of emotions wave upon the double helix that determines the structural site of active or inactive genetic codes. Could it be that emotions touch upon our DNA is what tells our bodies where to place the building blocks of life. The implications of this study alone are vast and profound as we view a possible link between DNA and emotion."
Braden continues with, "Our extremes of emotion, such as love as well as fear, may be viewed from the perspective of an electrical andmagnetic field expressed as a wave. From this vantagepoint fear is seen as a long slow wave. Due to its length, relatively few complete waves are expressed per unit of DNA." "Love, on the other hand, may be viewed as a field of higher frequency. It appears as a shorter and faster wave with a greater number of complete waves expressed per unit of DNA measurement. "Superimposing the field of fear upon our double helix structure, we see that the length of the low frequency waves allows few opportunities for the helix and wave to touch. The very nature of the wave discourages access to the biological structure allowing its expression. This perspective illustrates the limiting and contracted nature of fear." "Note the relatively small number of potential coding sites available due to the lack of intersection pointsSuperimposing the field of love upon the double helix, we see that the shorter length of the high frequency waves allows more opportunities for the helix and wave to intersect. In this instance, the nature of the wave encourages access to the helix. From this perspective the emotion is seen as expansive." "Note the relatively greater number of potentially coding sites due to the increased number of intersection points."
The above quote is an important concept that makes a perfect metaphor for spiritual power, because thoughts and feelings of love have a greater ability to manifest than thoughts and feelings of fear. Braden states further that, "Could this relationship between the non-measurable quantity of emotion and the measurable quantity of biological material represent our foreground link to creation. Winters studies suggest that it is in fact, the physical intersection of emotions waveform upon the structure double helix that provides the blueprint for possibilities of DNA coding sites. With this relationship in mind, note how many more opportunities there are in the sympathetic vibratory pattern that we call love, for the waves of emotion and DNA to touch." This statement suggests how EM energy affects physical matter within the body as well as outside of the body into the environment, illustrating how conscious manifestation, through spiritual power, works.
Assuming this is so, why don't we realize we are creating our external environment as we are doing it? The answer lies in the unconscious. We create our external environment unconsciously, then perceive what we have created and react to that in an endless cycle. Also, remember that human desire energy has been conditioned through millions of years of organic evolution, up through the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms, before we ever entered these physical bodies. This ancient organic energy has its own pre-conditioned attractions and repulsions of which we human beings know little. All thisenergy, of whatever origin, is stored in, and makes up, the unconscious, which, it seems, creates both our inner and outer environments. If the unconscious content of the mind controls both our inner and outer environments, then desire energy, once conditioned through directed thinking and induced emotion, can be reconditioned to express itself more harmoniously, changing our lives in a positive way through the electromagnetic effect.
The EM effect allows the physical body and the mind to work together, and allows living beings to become active. Life and progress depend upon cellular activation that allows the cells to gain experiences and so develop themselves. As a single-celled organism, a group of cells, organs, or a whole being becomes active in a particular manner, each is constantly releasing EM energy into the environment simply by being active or living. When this energy is released, it is governed by the Law of Affinity (like-attracts-like). When the desire energy (based on EM energy) is released into the environment, it attracts a similar type of energy through the Law of Affinity, and, at any given time, we are attracted to beings like ourselves. Think back to your teenage years and remember the type of people you were hanging out with and the things they were interested in. They were probably the same things you were interested in at that time. Each type of person attracts his or her own type of people as well as the previously established conditioning which led to his or her interests and actions.
The Law of Affinity is as important as the law of gravity; it is in effect all the time. But the Law of Affinity influences more than the career we chose or the hobbies we pursue, or even the type of person we are. This law governs all types of events that happen within our lives, whether they are harmonious or discordant. There are events in life that we say we have no control over; events that "just happen", such as car accidents. We've been taught (conditioned) to view such events as "just an accident" that happened because of "bad luck". However, the Law of Affinity illustrates that any event, whether harmonious or discordant, that we call an "accident" or an unfortunate event, is actually governed by the Law of Affinity and has been attracted to a person through the EM effect. This is what Carl Jung called the collective unconscious. Each one of us sets ourselves and one another up for such events, good and ill, whether we know we are doing this or not. In fact, the less we know of our own unconscious and the collective unconscious, the more likely we will produce discordant events for ourselves and others.
Therefore, from now on in this book when you see the term "conscious manifestation", it means changing the major events in our lives that take certain paths, or making big decisions in life, whether they seem to be, at the time, harmonious or discordant. Conscious manifestation is not about the minor particulars of everyday reality, but rather, it is about controlling and changing the events that make a major impact on our lives by using the minor parts of our everyday life. It is about everything we do! Studies of the unconscious reveal principles that govern our thoughts and emotional energy, based on the principles of conditioning. Conditioning always affects our lives, whether we know it or not, and automatically puts into effect the manifestations that we perceive as external to ourselves. Attaining control of the unconscious mind, through various techniques, can manifest much more harmonious actions and events, not only for us, but also for every living creature on this planet, and in a way that will make life a more harmonious experience for all life forms.
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